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Is "Snoring" Equal To Sleeping Well?

Is snoring like a good sleep? No, to understand snoring, we need to know the origin of snoring.

The origin of snoring

When we breathe normally, air enters the nasal cavity, mouth and throat, and then into the lungs, which is a very unobstructed way; when we snoring, it is the droop of the soft tissue of the airway, which causes partial obstruction of the airway. When the airflow passes through, it will cause the swing of the soft tissue, thus forming snoring; but when the airway continues to sag, the airway will completely occluded, there's apnea.

What is the sleep apnea syndrome

What is the sleep apnea syndrome? When our airway is blocked, oxygen can't enter the body smoothly. The brain will send out the command of hypoxia, which will make us wake up for a short time, and then the airway will open. This kind of awakening is very short, we can not even feel it, and soon we will fall asleep again. The soft tissue of airway will continue to relax and collapse. These which sleep apnea more than 30 times in seven hours, and the various symptoms caused by it,are collectively referred to as "sleep apnea syndrome".

What is the harm of "sleep apnea syndrome"

Therefore, snoring is actually a disease. Its victims are not only the partner who needs to endure its noise, but also the snorers themselves. As a result of night apnea, the most direct harm is the body and brain hypoxia; airway occlusion will also cause suffocation and hyperactivity, nocturnal frequency of urine, sleep fragmentation, reduce the quality of sleep, and even cause asphyxia; in the morning, headache and irritability will occur; although you feel like you're spending more and more time sleeping, it's a pity that the amount of time you spend sleeping effectively is very short,which would also cause daytime sleepiness, memory loss, and inattention;if things go on like this, all organs of the body will be affected. The incidence rate of stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression and sexual dysfunction will increase significantly.

The susceptible population of sleep apnea syndrome

Do you start to worry about whether you are a high-risk group for apnea? I've listed four categories. Let's take a look.

The first is the obese. The upper airway soft tissue of obese people is thicker and heavier, and the degree of drooping is also greater in sleeping state; the second kind is elderly women, and some studies show that with the increase of age, the prevalence rate of elderly women is gradually increasing; The third group is maxillofacial deformity, which is commonly known as small mandible; the fourth group is people with adenoid and/or tonsillar hypertrophy. If you have snoring, and you belong to the above four types of people, be careful.

How to diagnose "sleep apnea syndrome"

It is recommended that you go to the hospital as soon as possible for an examination called polysomnography. This test can not only determine whether you have sleep apnea, but also determine the severity of your apnea, which would help us guide your treatment.