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Can Your Baby Be Allergic to Milk Powder?

According to a 33-year study by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Maternal and Child Health Center in 33 cities across the country, the proportion of children aged 0-2 in China reported their babies having or developing allergic diseases high as 40.9%. Various daily baby problems such as eczema, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, vomiting of milk, and crying can be associated with allergies. In recent years, allergies have become one of the biggest health problems for babies.


What are children’s allergies?

Pediatric allergies are tissue damage or physiological disorders caused by stimulation of the body with antigenic substances (also called allergens), such as pollen, dust, food, medicines, and parasites. It is an abnormal or pathological immune response. Various daily problems such as eczema, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, vomiting of milk, and crying can be associated with allergies. Many allergic reactions also worsen as the season changes.

One typical case:

We met some time ago a small patient, a 3 month old baby girl who had had loose stools in the last 3-5 days.

During the physical examination the parents said the baby's stool looks abnormal. For the first time it was a peptone-like loose stool scattered with red dots separated from stool mucus. The other times it was visibly pink and jam-like.In a routine test, occult blood was found to be positive. (Acute massive gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal infections such as rubella can be ruled out with the results of routine blood tests and stool programs.) Food protein-induced proctitis, diarrhea, which causes intestinal and perianal mucosal damage, leading to stool damage, is considered a diagnosis.

After discussing with parents, given that a child may have bloody stools caused by a milk protein allergy, it is recommended that parents feed with milk containing the aminoacid formula, oral probiotics, and perianal tannic acid cream or erythromycin cream.


A week later, the color of the child's stool gradually improved, and two weeks later, the stool returned to normal.

A  summary of the case:

This disease is a non-IgE-mediated allergic reaction to milk protein allergy. The condition is most common within six months of birth. Common allergens include beans, fish, eggs, wheat, and milk. The primary and most common clinical symptoms are diarrhea, changes in stool characteristics: sometimes normal stools, sometimes mucous or bloody stools. Children who are generally well and do not have weight loss, for example, may experience eczema and, in some cases, annal fissure.


In general, in this case, the treatment is mainly diet control, avoidance of milk protein and dairy products, and feeding deeply hydrolyzed milk for 6 or 9-12 months. Adding lactic acid bacteria to LGG can heal faster. Symptoms usually improve within 72 hours,sometimes it takes two weeks.

If the above symptoms occur, parents should consult a specialist. First, the doctor will take routine blood tests and stool results ( to rule out acute gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal infections, such as rubella). If necessary, gastrointestinal endoscopy can be performed. It must be distinguished from lactose intolerance, necrotizing enterocolitis, infectious enteritis, and intussusception. The doctor will then select skin tests for allergens, allergen-specific IgE tests, dietary avoidance and/or food provocation tests, and other methods to determine the cause of the allergy based on medical history and provide reasonable treatment recommendations and feeding instructions.

When the stools are normal again and tests for latent blood are negative, you may want to consider adding a small amount of milk to the diet again.
