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Why Does Dental Cleaning Matter?

Why Dental Cleanings Are Important?

Regular dental cleaning plays a huge role in overall oral health. Maintaining a daily routine of brushing and flossing is essential but it is not enough.

Brushing can only remove food residue from the teeth and tongue surface; floss can only remove plaque from deep between the teeth, which cannot brush.

However, even if you brush your toothbrush very slowly and use dental floss correctly, you cannot prevent stubborn plaque from hiding in hidden corners and trying to calcify into tartar, which is a threat to oral health.  

While it is still a dental plaque, it can cause cavities in the teeth and many other periodontal diseases. Such as bleeding gums; as it develops into tartar, it is easier to absorb large amounts of bacterial toxins, causing periodontitis, swelling, and bleeding, eventually leading to gums receding and teeth loosening and falling out.

The next step can be a tooth decay. Initially, small black streaks appear on the tooth's surface, forming cavities in the teeth. The teeth' perforation deepens, and the dentin corrodes and eventually acts on the tooth mass, appearing as an obvious pain.

Professional dental cleaning is very important part of good oral hygiene. Besides keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy, a regular dental cleaning allows your dentist to notice potential dental issues and can treat them early.


Remember a Good Precaution After Your Dental Cleaning!

Do not eat or drink too spicy or cold food immediately after your dental cleaning. Some people may experience discomfort for cold, heat, sour, sweet, and other stimuli quickly. It is an individual and completely normal reaction, so do not be scared.

After dental cleaning, the teeth often also look longer, and the gap between the teeth is more significant. This is mainly because the inflamed gums no longer swell, and the gums return to health.