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Dr. Mike Gives You Some Tips for Sleeping Better

Good quality and peaceful sleep are what we all need to maintain energy for next day as well as stay in good mood and good health. Many suffer from Insomnia for different reasons including due to different emotional issues, depression, anxiety and sometimes due to various medical problems. Individuals who cannot deal effectively with stress, it may lead to depression and anxiety which consequently can lead to suffering from insomnia. 

Children insomnia are often due to fear, anxiety, fear of darkness or bedroom door being closed, family stress, school stress and more. Of course, there are different psychological reasons for that which need to be explored. Insomnia in children can lead to poor memory, poor attention, concentration and even learning difficulties.


Poor sleep-in adults can cause poor job performance, bad mood, irritability, poor memory and if becomes chronic can lead to different psychological and medical problems. Psychologist can treat insomnia with teaching coping strategies, stabilize depression and anxiety by using different forms of psychotherapy, relaxation and Biofeedback training.

Here are some tips for better sleep naturally:

1- No food two to three hours before sleep

2- Take a warm shower before sleep

3- Sleep early and get up early on regular hours

4- Read your favorite book before sleep

5- Not using electronic devices with blue light before sleep

6- Daily regular exercise

7- Don’t consume alcohol before bed time

8- Make a list of next day chores before sleep so it won’t disturb your sleep

9- If overly stressed or suffer from anxiety or depression see psychologist to help you alleviate them without using medicine. In some cases, medicine may be used for a short time.

10- Practice daily relaxation technique before sleep

Wish you all good sleep and happiness

Dr. Mike
