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Dr. Niu Jie is a graduate of West China Medical University, Department of Women and Children in Clinical Work for Children, and has worked in child health care for more than a decade.

She has conducted master classes to learn a clinical psychology course at the Institute of Psychology and Therapy.

In May 2008, she received a degree in National Second-Level Psychological Counseling.

She has received a neonatal neurobehavior test and the China Children's Development Center Baby Intelligence Assessment Certificate. She also has a lot of experience in psychotherapy with children.

Dr.Niu's expertise includes:

· assessment and intervention of children's physical development,

· assessment and guidance of nutritional status,

· early childhood education of infants and young children,

· monitoring and intervention of high-risk children,

· determination of children's intelligence,

· the guidance of children's cognitive-behavioral problems,

· infant psychology,

· child rehabilitation,

· low growth

· assessment of youth development.

Language: Chinese and English