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Do thyroid nodules need to be treated?

Author:Dr.Sunny Kim

In the routine physical examination every year, many people find thyroid nodules. What is thyroid nodule in the end? Is there a big impact on health? Today I would like to share some information about thyroid nodules with you.


1. What is a thyroid nodule?

Thyroid nodule is a mass that appears in thyroid tissue after dysplasia of thyroid cells. Thyroid nodules are very common. Most thyroid nodules are not serious and do not cause any symptoms, and progress to thyroid cancer is rare.

2. What are the types of thyroid nodule?

(1). According to the severity of thyroid gland, the thyroid gland can be divided into benign and malignant types. The benign thyroid nodules are mostly nodular goiter and thyroid adenoma, which are mostly safe and generally can be followed up and observed, and the adenoma can be cured by surgery. Most malignant thyroid nodules are differentiated thyroid carcinoma, which requires surgical treatment, and most of them can be cured radically. Advanced lesions need more active comprehensive treatment to prevent distant metastasis.

(2). According to the different ability of nodules to take up radionuclides, they are divided into hot nodules and cold nodules. Hot nodules are spontaneous thyroid nodules with endocrine function, most of which are benign. Cold nodules are carcinogenic. If there is hemorrhage or cystic changes in the nodule, it may also appear as a cold nodule.


3. Why is thyroid nodule incidence so high?

The high incidence of thyroid nodules is not only related to environmental factors, lifestyle, mental stress, etc., but also related to the increased detection rate of thyroid nodules by better means such as ultrasound examination.

4. Which people are susceptible to thyroid nodules?

(1) People with a family history of thyroid disease

(2) The prevalence was significantly higher in females than in males, the ratio of males to females is about 1:3.83

(3) Too much or too little iodine intake can cause thyroid nodules

(4) People who are often exposed to ionizing radiation

(5) People with high mental stress and low immunity

5. What is the symptom of thyroid nodule?

Thyroid nodules are asymptomatic in most cases, and most cases are found through physical examination, and thyroid function is normal, and the probability of progression to other thyroid diseases is small. But if the nodule is too large, it may compress the esophagus and trachea, resulting in difficulty swallowing, hoarseness and other symptoms.


6. Can benign thyroid nodule become cancerous?

Although benign thyroid nodules are less likely to become cancerous, regular check-ups are recommended every 6 to 12 months.

7. What is the treatment method of thyroid nodule?

The treatment of thyroid nodule includes drugs, surgery and other methods. Most thyroid nodules do not require surgery, only if the nodules are large enough to impair the trachea or esophagus, or if highly malignancy is suspected.

8. How to prevent thyroid nodule?

Regular work and rest, moderate exercise, stay away from radioactive sources and ionizing radiation, iodine intake in diet and regular physical examination are recommended.