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Let’s Talk about Viral Hepatitis

Author:Dr.Liu Haixia

To raisethe awareness of hepatitis, WHO has designated July 28 as the World Hepatitis Day.


Hepatitis is a general term for inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be divided into two categories, namely, viral hepatitis and non viral hepatitis( autoimmune, alcoholic, metabolic, drugs, etc.), more than 50% of the world's hepatitis is caused by viruses. Hepatitis caused by different viruses has different routes of transmission , clinical course and prognosis.There are mainly five typesof viral hepatitis. They were named as hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Of these, hepatitis A and hepatitis Eare digestive tract borne diseases, which can be spread by contaminated hands, food or water, and are the culprits for acute hepatitis, but usually they do not develop into chronic diseases. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and hepatitis D mainly spread through vertical mother-to-child transmission, sex and bloodtransmission, usually cause chronic infection in the liver, some of which can lead into liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and other serious complications. The route of transmission of the hepatitis D is similaras hepatitis B. Hepatitis D only occurs in people infected with hepatitis B. Co-infection of Hepatitis B and hepatitis D will lead to more severe liver disease.

How to prevent hepatitis A and E?  

Vaccination can effectively prevent hepatitis A and E. At the same time , It is necessary to develop good personal hygiene habits, wash hands after the toilet, not eating raw foodor drinking raw water, thus ,to prevent disease from entering the mouth.

shutterstock_1761131564.jpgHow to Prevent hepatitis B, C and D:

1、Getting hepatitis B vaccine is the most effective way to prevent infection with hepatitis B.
2、Block the transmission of the virus from mother to child.
3、Avoid unnecessary blood transfusions, injections, and the use of blood products.
4、Avoid tattooing, eyebrow tattooing, ear piercing, pedicure and so on with unsterilised tools.
5、Avoid sharing toothbrush and razor which can be contaminated by blood.
6、Refuse to take drugs, sharing a syringe to administer them intravenously.
7、Keep safe sex, wearing a condom whenever necessary.


The high risk crowd of hepatitis B and hepatitis C are medical worker,people who often accept blood transfusion, people with immune deficiency, people with HBsAg positivefamily members, people with many sexual partner or taking intravenous inject drugs. It is highly recommend to take regularly hepatitis Band C testing for those high risk persons.

Patient with hepatitis B should take standard antiviral treatment as early as possible. As long as the hepatitis B DNA test positive with elevated alanine aminotransferase (excluding other reasons), patient with hepatitis B should start the antiviral treatment. Get hepatitis B virus DNA level long-term under 20 iu/ml can effectively reduce the risk of liver cancer.For HCV RNA positive patient, regardless of whether there is liver cirrhosis, with chronic kidney disease or with extrahepatic manifestations, should receive antiviral treatment, which can maximize the reversal of liver fibrosis, to prevent progression to liver cirrhosis, decompensated liver cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cell carcinoma, also which can improve the long-term survival rateand improve patients' quality of life.