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How to Treat Influenza Properly

Author: Dr.Liu Haixia

Influenza is caused by influenza viruses. There are many types of influenza viruses, such as influenza A and influenza B, and within each type there are many subtypes. Influenza virus is relatively infectious,and can cause a large number of cases every year, the population is generally susceptible, and there is a global epidemic almost every year, so it is also known as seasonal influenza.
The flu virus is spread through respiratory droplets. Saliva sprayed from the mouth when a person sneezes or talks can be spread to people in close contact with the person. The droplets can remain on surfaces and can also be infected if hands touch the contaminated surfaces and touch the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose.
Typical clinical symptoms of influenza are sudden onset, chills, high fever, body temperature up to 39~40℃, accompanied by headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, such as sore throat, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose and so on. Infants often have vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.
The drug treatment for influenza mainly includes antiviral therapy and symptomatic therapy. Commonly used antiviral drugs include oseltamivir, zanamivir, peramivir, etc. The therapeutic mechanism of these drugs is to block the release and spread of the virus in the body. It is recommended to use antiviral drugs as soon as possible after the onset of influenza symptoms which can effectively relieve influenza symptoms, shorten the duration of fever in patients, further shorten the disease, and prevent and reduce the complications of influenza for people in high risks. There are many types of symptomatic drugs, which need to be taken according to different clinical symptoms. As for fever, headache, muscle joint pain, antipyretic and analgesic acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used for treatment. As for runny nose and sneezing symptoms, antihistamine drugs can be used for treatment. Nasal congestion symptoms can be treated with pseudoephedrine, hydroxymethazoline and other nasal mucosa contraction agents, cough can be treated with dextromethorphan, pholcodine. As for much and thick phlegm which is difficult to be moved out, guaifenesin or ambroxol hydrochloride may help to delute the phlegm and bring up easily. Many complex preparations used to treat colds contain these ingredients. When using these compound medicines, you should read the instructions carefully , strictly follow your doctor's advice to avoid repeated use of the same ingredients, which may cause harm to the body.
Influenza patients should be isolated, ventilated and disinfected in the room. During the illness, patients should rest in bed, take adequate fluids, and use proper and effective sputum extraction to maintain airway obstruction. If patients develop chest tightness, bloody sputum, or shortness of breath, they should see doctor in time.
Influenza vaccination is an effective way to prevent influenza. It is recommended that people at high risk receive influenza medical treatment every year before influenza season.