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Dr. Tian Jintao
Dr. Tian has over 30 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, esophagus and cardia cancer, severe chest trauma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and other lung diseases. He has solid medical skills and successful surgical operations. Dr. Tian is excellent at the differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules and chest pain, and treatment of other intractable diseases.
Specialist in:
1. Minimally invasive surgical treatment and comprehensive treatment of lung cancer, esophageal cancer, cardia cancer, mediastinal tumor, esophageal hiatal hernia, and achalasia.
2. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and minimally invasive treatment of pulmonary nodules and chest pain.
3. Dr. Tian uses minimally invasive techniques such as thoracoscopy and has extensive experience in the management of penetrating cardiac trauma, thoracotomy, and combined thoracoabdominal trauma and has lectured extensively at national academic conferences. He has published more than ten papers as the first author in professional journals at home and abroad.